Build a DIY wireless charger that looks good and works!

Complete DIY Wireless Charger Guide for beginners.

Learn how to build a usable wireless charger.

  • Simple 4-phase process to build your DIY wireless charger with a vibey indicator light.
  • Access to complete guide with over 40 pictures to guide you through the DIY build.
  • No guesswork. Access to materials and instructions to build a charger that charges your wireless-compatible devices.

Get your FREE guide today!

Get your wireless charger built in under one hour.

No technical experience needed

DIY wireless charger build guide uses a pre-built, certified circuit board so anyone can build an effective wireless charger.

Use tools around home

No specialized tools required. Use tools you already have and buy budget-friendly materials.

Printable checklist to stay on track

DIY projects can be tough to keep track of with so much going on around us. Print this checklist and check off as you go.

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